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Lucas Plaza

School: Roslyn (Team stats)

Section 8 Race#:

Current season rankings

Spring Track 2024:

Event Time/Distance School rankings Division rankings Conference rankings County Class rankings State Class rankings League rankings
100 M12.587 63 117 176 364 419
200 M25.245 42 82 124 262 310
400 M55.905 25 42 72 147 172
Pole Vault8 Ft 4 8 13 20 43 50

Rankings based on all performances in the past 5 years:

Spring Track season From 2020 To 2024:

Event Time/Distance School rankings Division rankings Conference rankings County Class rankings State Class rankings League rankings
100 M
24 61 80 120 148 151
200 M
16 74 98 139 211 217
400 M
15 57 99 143 269 286
Pole Vault
8 Ft
9 14 14 16 21 21