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A message from Newsday Show all announcements
Attention coaches: We are in the process of putting together our spring track preview for the newspaper and the web. To help us, we're asking that you send us all relevant information regarding your team. Rosters, including newcomers and returning athletes, top times and distances, etc... The plan is for EVERY team to have a page on the web. These pages will be available on Newsday.com as well as MSGVarsity.com. 
In addition to sending us team information, we'd also appreciate any good digital photos you have. The photos will be used for our print and expanded web coverage.
The preview is set to run on Sunday, April 11. Please feel free to send any information as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, I can be reached via email or at the numbers below. Thank you.
Marcus Henry
631 843 2820 (W)
347 683 1694 (C)