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Should we continue developing this site for Track & Field? Show all announcements

We are continuing work on this site for XC, and want to keep going for Track & Field. But the real reason this site works is because we have such a high percentage of performances entered. (We're continuing to work on getting more previous year's data into the system)

A big key to making this worthwhile for Track & Field is whether we can get all ongoing results for every athlete from every school! Doing this puts more responsibility for submitting results onto coaches.

We can make this as easy as possible by providing a way for coaches to enter performances online (or just submitting them via fax and email). If we put this together, would your school find a way to submit all ongoing performances for the upcomming track seasons?

Send your school's opinion about what you would like to do so that we can see whether this is a go.

Send your vote and comments to : track_project@spondev.com