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Seeding information on the Bulldog Invitational from Eamon Show all announcements
I hope that everyone is well and having a good season. This email is to inform you that due to certain situations, there will unfortunately be no pre-seeding this year for the elite events. The athletes will clerk for either the elite or the open sections the day of the meet. The one exception to this is the pentathlon! If you plan on entering an athlete in the pentathlon you must send me their information by this Sunday at 5PM! I would not want anyone to come to the meet and be shut out of a limited entry event. Remember the following rules will apply...
1) Verbal seeding for all individual events. Cards for relays only.
2) Section VIII athletes need their numbers.
3) There are only elite sections of the discus, triple jump, high jump, pole vault, and relays. All other events will have open sections and elite sections.
4) You are only permitted three entrants per team in the elite field events and two entrants per team in the open field events. You may enter as many as you like in the running events.
5) Open sections should be for kids whose season is most likely ending that day (little to no chance of running at Counties).
Please feel free to let me know the day of the meet or afterward if you preferred not having the pre-seeding or if it is something that you would like back next year. Some of you may have gotten this email more than once and for that I apologize.
Eamon McHugh