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Note from Bob Beer on submitting results - Coaches must read Show all announcements

To all of you who have been e-mailing me and not getting answers, or looking for data on the site and not finding it, I'm sorry.  Unfortunately I've been in the hospital since May 2nd, after not feeling well for a week or so. 

As you can imagine I am way behind there may not be a worse 2 weeks to miss.  I'll never catch up, as I am on limited duty for at least the next week.  What I propose doing is publishing what I have, I'll try to do that by Friday afternoon.  The if you would check it against your records and resubmit ONLY best performances that meet the standards, and that you expect to use, thus cutting the data that needs entering to the bone.  What I need is Meet, Date, Site, Athlete's Name and Number Event and performanceFor relays send Meet, Date, Site, Relay, Performance, and the numbers of the 4 athletes that ran

If all of the information is not provided I will not put anything in, time and my energies will not allow it at this time.  I would like everything to me by Tuesday May 13th, I'll try to have an new updated ranking out before the Divisions.  Unfortunately it is the best I can do.  Depending on time and energy I may be able to get all of the stuff that has been sent to me in, in the future but I'm not even going to review it until I have this piece done. So I'll post a ranking by Friday May 9th, then you will review it and send in any missing best performance for those that you are worried about or are considering seeding by May 13th. I will then post a new ranking by the 16th.

Please e-mail when ever possible