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Medical Rule Reminder-Important Cross-Country Show all announcements
Hello Coaches,

I have received a few inquiries regarding injured athletes and their ability to compete in the county championship (either in the Varsity or JV race), state qualifier, state championship, etc. while not having competed in at least 6 competitions.

As stated at the coaches meeting and indicated in the handbook their is a Medical Waiver form (see attached) that must be completed by you and approved by Nina Van Erk-Executive Director of Section VIII Athletics and the Cross-Country Coordinator in order to be eligible for any of the above mentioned meets.

Here are a few things to consider that may answer any questions you may have:

1. The form must be completed in its entirety and submitted to Nina Van Erk prior to your last regular season competition.
The regular season competition is defined as the "last competition that a team is participating in prior to the first post season meet".

ex. This can be league meet 5, fr,soph, jr, sr meet, Nassau coaches etc based on your teams schedule.

2. Attached to this form must be the doctor note indicating the date of exclusion of participation and nature of injury, and the date of inclusion (when the athlete was re-cleared for participation).

3. Ultimately, even though an athlete is medically cleared to participate, it is the coaches and an administrator member (ex. athletic director) that determines the athletes readiness for competition following an injury.

4. I have been informed by Nina Van Erk, as long as the medical documentation is adequate, and the form is completed and submitted prior to your last regular season competition, the athlete will be approved by Section VIII athletics for post-season competition, regardless the number of meets the athlete has competed in  ex. 0-5
You still need coach and school administrative approval for athlete readiness.


If you have any athlete that may be in this situation, let Adam and I know immediately and do your job by attaining the necessary medical documentation from your school, and begin to fill out the attached medical waiver form.

However the form should not be sent to Nina Van Erk until the athlete is medically cleared to participate.

One exception-If you feel an athlete will not be cleared until after your last regular season competition but your team will qualify for these races (State qualifier, States, etc) the form should be submitted prior to the deadline with a note indicating the expected date of clearance.
Therefore if your team qualifies your athlete would still be allowed to participate if applicable.

If you have any further questions on this matter, please email me directly and "NOT REPLY ALL", as we do not want to create any type of confusion.

See you next week
Be well
Neal Levy
Section 8 Girls Cross-Country Coordinator

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