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Division Championships - Reminders Show all announcements

Good morning coaches,

Just a few reminders about the Division Championships;

·         Each team needs to submit an entry when they arrive on site. Print page 22 of the handbook. You do NOT need to list non-scorers.

·         3 events per athlete, 1 relay per team (you can list 6 names on each relay).

·         Seeding will be done by index cards for all scorers. Non-scorers do NOT need a seed card.

·         All cards will be returned to the coordinators after the meet. If there are concerns on seeding, we will have the cards for discussion. PLEASE ENTER LEGIT SEED TIMES.

·         Athletes MUST wear their Nassau County BIB numbers on their chest. No labels. Please bring pins for your athletes, we did not supply each site with pins.

·         BIB numbers will be at each site, if you have not picked them up already.

·         If your athlete lost a BIB or never received one, neatly write their number on the back of another BIB not being used. If your athlete was added to the roster after April 14, they probably do not have a BIB number.

·         Non-scorers allowed in every running event, except the 3200m/3000m and the relays. As far as the field events go, non-scoring jumps and throws will take place as times allows after all scoring events have been completed. For example, Long Jump scoring, Triple Jump scoring, then non-scoring Long Jump and Triple Jump non-scoring.

·         Please know that it is quite possible that non-scoring field events will NOT get a chance to compete. This has happened in the past on a site-by-site basis!

·         Coaches, please contact the host school and see how you can help run the meet. Let them know if you have a supervisor or asst. coach that can help.

·         Also, be sure to have the phone number of the host school coach in case you are running late arriving to the site for whatever reason.

·         All coaches and officials should know that there should be a sense of urgency to complete the meet. There should be no down-time. Sunset is 8:06pm this evening!


All site will have racetab results and should automatically be in the system the morning after your meet. County meet entry information will be sent later this week.


Division 3B Championships – Monday, May 16 @Lynbrook HS

Division 4A Championships – Monday, May 16 @Valley Stream North HS

Division 4B Championships – Monday, May 16 @Cold Spring Harbor HS

Division 1A Championships – Tuesday, May 17 @Massapequa HS

Division 1B Championships – Tuesday, May 17 @Port Washington HS

Division 2A Championships – Tuesday, May 17 @Great Neck South HS

Division 2B Championships – Wednesday, May 18 @Great Neck North HS

Division 3A Championships – Wednesday, May 18 @Hewlett HS


Best of Luck!