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COACHES: EMAIL LIST + ROSTERS Show all announcements

1. All coaches that did not attend the coaches meeting please send your name, school, and email to Tony Toro: eltorotf@optonline.net to be put on the mass coaches email list. 

2. Rosters: All rosters must be finalized on www.trackconference.com by Friday September 2nd, in order for your team to receive a competitor number and be able to participate in league competition.


Neal Levy + Adam McKenzie


You must be registered as an approved coach for XC:
  1. First you must be Registered. If you are not already registered then  click on the "Signup" button on the home page. Our registration is integrated with teammates.net and that is the sign up form you will be brought to.
  2. After registering and logging into trackconference.com, click on the "Settings" link next to your name and request to be approved as a coach for XC.   
  3. Your request has to be approved so send an email to charlie@teammates.net to expedite the approval.
Enter your roster in the Roster Management Tool
  1. Approved coaches then go to the "Resources/Manage Teams" menu choice, and go to the "Roster management" link.
  2. Notice that there is a link that lets you manage the Boys roster or the Girls roster. Choose the one you want.
  3. The left side shows athletes from your team that we already have in our system. The right side shows athletes that are on your XC 2016 roster.
  4. One the left side, click on the checkbox next to the names of any athlete that should be on the current roster. Then on the center column, click the arrow pointing to the right to move those athletes onto your roster.
  5. If you moved any athlete onto the roster and want to remove them, check their name and click the arrow pointing to the left.
  6. To add new athletes that are not already in our system, click the "Add New Athlete" button and submit it. You can then move those athletes into your roster.
  7. There is no need to "Submit" the roster. Anyone you have in the right column is automatically in your roster.
Race numbers will be assigned by the league after all the rosters are entered.

If you have any issues or questions about using the site you can contact charlie@teammates.net.