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Frosh/Soph Meet Info Show all announcements

Spring Track Coaches,

Information for the Section VIII Frosh/Soph Meets to be held this Wednesday and Thursday can be found on Page 12 of the handbook. Wednesday April 17 is North Shore @ CSH, Thursday April 18 is South Shore @ Oceanside. In addition, we have some final notes to add;

First, we’d like to thank our hosts, Cold Spring Harbor HS (North Shore Meet) and Oceanside HS (South Shore Meet) for the use of their facilities. Besides asking your kids to respect the host school and clean up after themselves, please know that both sites have specific parking instructions;

·        Cold Spring Harbor High School – No buses are to come onto the main road of the school along side the track. Buses are to drop off, pick up and park in the upper field lot off of Lawrence Hill Road.

·        Oceanside High School – Buses are to drop off, pick up and park on Skillman Avenue. Do NOT bring buses into the parking lot please.

Other notes; 

Verbal seeding with a printed label for each athlete per event. Field label on an index card.

·         index cards for each relay, no labels needed on cards.

·         Long Jump, Triple Jump, Shot Put and Discus, each athlete will only get 2 jumps/throws.


·         Pole Vault – girls start at 6 feet with boys entering as the bar goes up to 8.

·        The first few sections of each event will be seeded and entered into RaceTab. We will try our best to get Unseeded athletes times recorded but we cannot guarantee they will have an official time. Be sure to time your own unseeded athletes.

·        Medals to the top 4 in each event provided by the Nassau County Track Coaches Association (NCTCA). Please thank Mike Ringhauser and Fred DeRuvo if you see them!

·         Medals will be bagged at each site. Be sure to pick them up before you leave.


110m Hurdles Boys

100m Hurdles Girls

1600m Boys

1500m Girls

100m Boys

100m Girls

400m Boys

400m Girls

MMR Boys (800/400/200/200)

MMR Girls  (800/400/200/200)

Long Jump G/B, followed by Triple Jump G/B @ Oceanside/ TJ Boys,LJ Girls followed by TJ Girls, LJ Boys @CSH

Boys Shot/Girls Discus followed by Boys Discus/Girls Shot

High Jump Boys followed by Girls Girls 3'10", Boys 4'10"

Pole Vault Combined G/B Girls at 6' boys enter at 8'