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Register for trackconference.com

Sign up here to be a member of this site. Registered users are able to sign up for the alert system and will also be able to customize the site display. Registered coaches* will be able to enter performances for their team, enter team schedules and more. (*Coaches accounts have to be verified before they are activated.)

Required information:
First name:   Last name:  
Your email address:   
(This is your user name for logging into the site.)
Password:   (min length of 6 characters)
Confirm Password:   
Sign up for our alert system
Sign me up for the email alert system.*
Send my alerts to Email:
* This alert service will be used to send update notices regarding track meets (such as rainouts, delays, etc.) and occasional alerts with information about activity in the section and this site.
Request to be listed as a Coach or Team Admin
I want to be listed as a Coach or Team Admin
Optional information (Please tell us about yourself and your preferences)
Primary team affiliation:
Secondary team affiliation:
I am a current Track/XC athlete
I am an active Track/XC coach
I am a parent of a current Track/XC athlete
I am a former Track/XC athlete
I am a former Track/XC coach
I am a parent of a former Track/XC athlete
I am a fan of Track/XC
I officiate at meets
I am in school administration
I am a teacher
Preferred seasons:
Cross country
Indoor season
Outdoor season
Preferred events:
Cross country
Middle distance

Privacy notice:
We hate junk mail as much as you. We promise we will protect your email address and only use it for sending messages from us. You will always have the option to opt out of this service and stop receiving messages. As we add any new alert types we will give you the choice as to whether you wish to receive those types of announcements.