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North Shore HS
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   Don Lang (Athletic Director)
Rankings for the Spring Track 2024 Season
Team:  Boys | Girls
Event Group:  Event: 
h = hand time (actual time shown, but we add +0.24 to determine rankings position)
# for 'coach entered' in the rankings
100 M Top Boys
1   11.48 Gary Leschinski
2   12.0 h Jack Damphouse
3   12.07 Gregory Nemirov
4   12.1 h Evan Mullen
5   12.15 Mullen Evan
6   12.87 Henry Cardoza
7   12.91 Luke Nicols
8   12.99 Chone Iannelli
9   13.06 Cooper McDermott
10   13.64 George Manavazian
11   13.73 Daniel Kinsedahl
12   15.31 John Sawicki
13   15.33 Michael Morello
100 M Top Boys
1   11.41 Michael Ye
2   12.0 h Ryan Camardella
3   12.37 John Stehling
4   12.47 Jack Damphouse
5   12.61 Eric Mullen
6   12.65 Gregory Nemirov
7   12.66 Gabriel Kopcsik
8   12.86 Henry Cardoza
9   13.19 Chone Iannelli
110 HH Top Boys
1   15.89 John Della Ratta
2   20.02 Caden Paradis
110 HH Top Boys
1   15.85 John Della Ratta
200 M Top Boys
1   23.5 h Gary Leschinski
2   24.59 Gregory Nemirov
3   25.0 h Evan Mullen
4   25.2 h Landon Brown
5   25.61 Cooper McDermott
6   27.22 Park Jake
7   28.11 Kevin Hua
8   30.86 Kareem Alsaddon
200 M Top Boys
1   22.94 Michael Ye
2   24.6 h Gabriel Kopcsik
3   25.34 Gregory Nemirov
North Shore - Team Schedule
Boys Spring Track 2024 Team Schedule (Show Girls Spring Track 2024 Team Schedule)
Data is not yet available for Spring Track 2024!
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