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Westbury HS
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   Doric Capsis (Athletic Director)
Rankings for the Cross Country 2024 Season
Team:  Boys | Girls | Combined
Event Group:  Event: 
h = hand time (actual time shown, but we add +0.24 to determine rankings position)
# for 'coach entered' in the rankings
Suffolk Comm. 55 M Girls
Rank Time Name Grade Date
1   08.1 h Zaria Scarlett  11 01/04/2016
2   08.3 h Judy Auguste  12 01/18/2016
3   08.5 h Taylor Sicard  11 12/14/2015
4   08.5 h Tamia Williams  12 01/18/2016
5   08.8 h Evelin Gilbert  11 01/18/2016
6   08.8 h Talisa Paris  11 01/18/2016
Suffolk Comm. 300 M Girls
Rank Time Name Grade Date
1   49.8 h Amber Horsford  11 12/14/2015
2   51.1 h Judy Auguste  12 01/18/2016
3   51.5 h Analda Felician  11 01/18/2016
4   51.6 h Evelin Gilbert  11 01/18/2016
5   55.9 h Taylor Sicard  11 12/14/2015
6   01:00.8 h Mandy Wagnac  10 12/14/2015
7   01:13.8 h Talisa Paris  11 12/14/2015
St. Anthony's HS 55 M Girls
Rank Time Name Grade Date
1   07.93 Chrissy West  10 12/15/2015
2   08.00 Denisha West  12 12/02/2015
3   08.05 Amber Horsford  11 12/15/2015
4   08.44 Carlie Louis  11 12/15/2015
5   08.48 Amira Felician  9 01/14/2016
6   08.53 Courtney Murdaugh  9 12/02/2015
7   08.69 Briana Castillo  9 12/02/2015
St. Anthony's HS 55 HH Girls
Rank Time Name Grade Date
1   08.76 Zaria Scarlett  11 02/09/2016
2   10.88 Analda Felician  11 01/06/2016
3   12.15 Carlie Louis  11 01/14/2016
St. Anthony's HS 300 M Girls
Rank Time Name Grade Date
1   44.53 Chrissy West  10 01/14/2016
2   45.87 Denisha West  12 01/06/2016
3   49.94 Carlie Louis  11 01/14/2016
Staten Island, NY 55 M Girls
Rank Time Name Grade Date
1   09.37 Chania Greene  10 01/09/2016
Staten Island, NY 300 M Girls
Rank Time Name Grade Date
1   49.83 Briana Castillo  9 01/09/2016
2   50.03 Courtney Murdaugh  9 12/19/2015
3   50.47 Patricia Hickman  10 01/09/2016
4   53.97 Amira Felician  9 01/09/2016
5   58.62 Djudma Cherilus  12 12/19/2015
6   01:01.41 Chania Greene  10 01/09/2016
Ocean Breeze 55 M Girls
Rank Time Name Grade Date
1   08.79 Jamilia Desir  10 12/12/2015
2   09.52 Mandy Wagnac  10 12/12/2015
Westbury - Team Schedule
Boys Winter Track 15/16 Team Schedule (Show Girls Winter Track 15/16 Team Schedule)
Data is not yet available for Winter Track 15/16!
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